NUS Economics Society (ECS) is a student-led society founded in 1961, formally registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs Singapore. Over time, NUS ECS has endured the vicissitudes of change by constantly evolving to meet the needs of the NUS Economics student population. Dedicated to our vision in heart and mind, NUS ECS continues to be a living source of strength and support to aid Economics majors in adapting to a VUCA world. Since our establishment, we have groomed countless Economics majors through a series of workshops; as well as served them by ensuring social support via a plethora of events aimed at creating precious memories of their undergraduate days. Today, NUS ECS aspires towards organising more novel and meaningful events to better the lives and prospects of our Economics majors.
To become the hearth of NUS Economics where communities are forged, ideas are deliberated and innovation is cradled.
ECS believes in holistic growth for our Undergraduate Economics students, regardless if they are Single Major, Double Major, Double Degree, Joint Degree or Minor students. ECS adopts a growth mindset, streamlined into our four mission pillars.
Academic Being an Academic Society in essence, we provide platforms for students to discuss their academic interests and to ignite the passion of learning Economics. We also liaise with external organizations which organize Economics seminars to fully unleash a student’s academic potential.
Upon graduation, every Economics student in NUS will plunge into the working world. ECS aims to provide necessary training, exposure, and networking opportunities to groom students to tackle career-related challenges.
Meeting new people and making friends is a staple of university life. From freshman to a graduating senior, ECS aims to provide opportunities to make friends through our various events and camps.
ECS is all about giving back to our fellow Economics undergraduates, and we are always looking for new ways to give our students the best possible welfare. Do look out for our giveaways and happenings to maximise utility.
Excellence is the goal towards which we strive. Self-excellence is first achieved in consistently upgrading ourselves to be the best we can in our individual appointments. We progress towards community-excellence by collaborating with one another in adapting to change, exploring new ideas, and delivering work with high standards. The end in mind is for each and every student to be successful in our own ways.
To be compassionate is to be able to share in the sufferings of others. While serving the NUS Economics student population, we do it with genuine concern and a deep understanding of the needs and wants of our peers. In the planning phases, we care for students by always thinking from their perspective. In the execution phases, we are affable and approachable when interacting with others. Regardless how tough the going gets, we walk the journey together with the students.
NUS ECS exists to serve the Economics student population. Members of the Society dedicate ourselves to this purpose, which entails putting the students’ interests before our own, and giving our best and more in contributing to the betterment of our students. We carry ourselves professionally at all times to reflect the integrity of our society. We lay aside personal emotions and treat everyone with equal respect. We deal with problems in a sensitive and tactful manner. We come to serve and not to be served.